Welcome to the P2PU Data hub

On this page, you’ll find data which we have extracted from our course creation and learning platform. In this release (which will be the first of several) you’ll find data about courses, data about comments made on courses and data about how content was created in courses.

All the data that you’ll find here is publicly available on our site, if you were dedicated enough, you could scrape it all. But we’ve left out sensitive information like people’s email addresses, IP addresses and password hashes.

Everything P2PU does is guided by our core values of openness, community and peer learning, so it made sense to us to open up our data, and share it with our community in a format that allows anyone to use it for their own learning and exploration.

None of this data would be in a state which makes any sense if it weren’t for June Ahn, Sarah Ann Webster, and Brian Butler our fantastic collaborators from the Center for the Advanced Study of Communities and Information (CASCI), and the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL), at the College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, College Park. June, Sarah, and Brian are investigating how online cyberinfrastructure can be designed, implemented, and analyzed to foster educational experiences at a massive scale and support from the National Science Foundation for the project that helped fund this data release effort. They have identified the datasets, cleaned up the data, advised us on building the whitelist and generally been patient and amazing. Thank you!

Release 1

Dirk Uys, CC BY SA